New Year’s Resolutions

Hello guys!

I’m back at the last minute of 2017, exciting isn’t it! I’m not actually posting it at 11:59 pm, it’s called the art of scheduling, SO useful OHEMGEE. Sorry, got a little out of control there, anyway, won’t waste a minute of your new and precious time.

Firstly, I know the same cycle repeats every year for everyone:

  1. Write a-bajillion resolutions you think you’ll stick to.
  2. Decide that you are going to put 10 reminders and write down your progress.
  3. After one week you forgot your resolutions.
  4. At the end of the year, you realize you didn’t stick to any of them.

That’s why I’m only doing 3

Secondly, I just want to say that 2017 went by super fast. Yes, everyone is saying that which means it’s true! It was the year I:

  • Moved into secondary school
  • Started this blog
  • Started guitar

I won’t say that 2017 was the best because I know it wasn’t, let’s hope 2018 is way better!


To post at least once a week on my blog.

I would normally forget or not actually post because I’m too lazy (😋), but sometimes I actually try making an effort to stick to my NYR’s so, some great blog posts await!

To do my homework on the same day that I get it or the day after.

Everyone everywhere thinks they can do this because it sounds easy. It’s not, IT’S SO DANG HARD! But if I finish my homework quicker I can get more time to browse Pinterest for some blog posts.

To go on walks with Buddy (my dog) alone twice a week.

do go on walks with my dog, but the cool thing is that this is a two-in-one resolution. Taking my dog for a walk and taking myself for a walk. Smart eh?

There you have it! Some resolutions that I may or may not stick to. It really is hard work, you must know that by now, we all have experience.   Have a happy and fabulous new year everyone!

What are your resolutions for the new year?

4 thoughts on “New Year’s Resolutions

  1. I am hoping to make 2018 a year full of success and productivity, especially with school. New follower btw 😊
    Ljoy x


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