3 Year Blogiversary!


My child is three years old!! (obviously I’m talking about my blog in case you didn’t get that lols)

quick shoutout to the Hreem that created this blog ☺️ 2017 me lol

That’s so wild omg. I remember starting this blog and just having no clue what anything was gonna be or how to write a post or what to even write about. I mainly just wanted to be like Penny from Girl Online not gonna lie. And then when my friends found out I made a blog I think at least 3 of them made their own but didn’t last very long. I’m kinda proud of myself for still being here even if my schedule isn’t very consistent 😂

It’s also so intriguing how if you read my old posts and now my newer ones you can see how much I’ve changed and how my writing style has changed, I’m pretty sure it has got better, at least I hope.

I’m debating whether to include like a paragraph from my first post and just like react to it. But I think I’ve done that before lol. Okayy so I’m going to react to parts of my first post ever yayyy.

Yikes, this is going to be painful, oh gosh. Please remember I was 12 when I started and I’m now 15. Wait that’s actually really cool now that I think about it heheh. Anways, here:

“My name is Hreem, buuuut you can call me… yeah, Hreem will be fine. I’m just your average school-girl who loves food and messsing up at makeup.”

I’m 90% sure I copied that “you can call me Hreem” bit from my friend’s blog because she was more interesting than me 😔 Also why did I think the perfect introduction for myself would be “average school-girl who loves food and messing up at makeup”? Makeup was literally the thing I focused the least on at the time, I don’t know what I was trying to do there honestly.

I have a LOT of hobbies. Or maybe they’re less, who knows? But in my case I think the hobbies I have are enough, take a peek and tell me what you think:

• Singing 🎤

• Guitar 🎶

• Reading 📖

• Writing 📝

• Taking Pictures 📸

• Eating 🍩 (can that be a hobby?)

Now that I look at them, I realize… they’re not too many are they? Sorry I’m talking so much about boring stuff right now but I’ll make sure my next few are a bit more exciting 🤗 (Jazz handsss!)

In just this short excerpt from my post I asked three questions. THREE. Why? hah there’s another one. My hobbies are I think exactly the same since then which is kind of comforting in a way? ohmygosh do I actually ask so many questions in every blog post, I’m suddenly very aware of it. Although eating isn’t really a hobby anymore, I don’t snack as much as I used to woohooo *cue the applause*.

I love my little jazz handsss thing at the end lol, that’s my actual personality shining through rather than me trying to be really cool. aww.

Oooh! I almost forgot, I’m pretty sure your bored to death because I haven’t mentioned what my blog will be about. 

There’s nothing interesting about this part, I just wanted to say that I used ‘your’ instead of ‘you’re’ 😭😭 I’m quite ashamed.

HAhah also the ‘Ooh! I almost forgot’ reminds me of this video and now I can’t stop laughingggg oh gosh.

And that concludes my lovely 3 year blogiversary post. I hope you guys enjoyed as much as I did.

Thank you so much to everybody who has ever read one of my blog posts or followed my blog or liked and commented 💖 You guys make blogging so much more fun and your comments really make my day!!

Lots of love, Hreem xx

What To Do While We’re Quarantined

hey guys!

I hope everyone is happy and healthy right now 🙂

I haven’t met anyone outside my family for a while (I’m being dramatic, just like 10 days) but honestly I’m not complaining. I’m an introvert so I’m in my room its a typical Tuesday night I’m listening to the kinda music she doesn’t like… sorry I got carried away. Do I talk about Taylor Swift too much? yup. Do I care? not at all. *go stream You Belong With Me*

social distancing
the social distancing at the beginning of this video is a great example of what you should do. What happens in the last 10 seconds of the video is exactly what you should not do.

Let me just get to the point before I think of 5 more song lyrics and a story from year 7 hehe.

So, since we are all at home and pretty bored I’m assuming, here is a bunch of fun or new stuff for you to try if you have no clue what to do. Check them out incase you find one of them interesting 🙂

Learn an Instrument

Before this whole thing happened I started learning to play the keyboard so now in this break I got to practice a lot more and learn some new songs which was really fun. If you think it’s hopeless and you are terrible at music, atleast give the ukulele a go.

Organise Your Room

You probably really don’t want to do this but just do it (not sponsored haha). Either clean out your room so you can see what you need and what you don’t, then organise everything or maybe even redecorate it a little bit? I don’t know, it’s your choice.


Do a face mask, or a hair mask, or start some new skincare routine that you’ve attempted to start many times but only managed to stick to it for about three days. Since you have the time, why not?

Bake or Cook

Bake a cake or bread or some cookies or something, it’ll be really fun! If you usually use a cake mix or readymade cookie dough or something like that, try doing it from scratch this time. Plus, at the end you’ll have something to eat too so honestly it’s a win-win.

Do Some Art

Art is also pretty cool right? Do it! Painting, sketching, oil pastels… ran out of art stuff but do something really fun and artsy.


Read a booook. Books are really interesting and I do not understand why so many people hate reading. Some people I know can’t remember the last book they read for fun. It hurts my heart.

Start a Blog or Youtube Channel

If you are reading this post you most likely already have a blog of your own and in that case, try posting more. But if you don’t have a blog I really think you should start one just about anything you like and want to talk about or something that you want to spread awareness about. Alternatively, if you don’t like writing or typing you might want to start a Youtube channel. If you decide to create either of these please leave your links in the comments and I’d love to visit them!

Obviously there is a bunch of other stuff that you can do that I haven’t listed and if you do think of something then please let me know because it might be helpful for me or someone else ❤

Stay safe and make sure to practice social distancing!!

Love, Hreem xx



Traits of a Libra

hey everybodyyyy

I hope you are all doing well and are free from corona virus. Our school is closed for a month while they clean it thoroughly so I can write a bunch of more blog posts.

The second two weeks we’re going to have to do online school but like still.

Basically, my zodiac sign is a libra as I was born on October 5th and libras are from Sep 23 – Oct 22 I’m pretty sure. So in this post I’m going to list some libra traits (and stereotypes?) that apply to me haha. I was going to just list the traits in general and see which apply to me and which don’t but basically every trait applies because I’m an extremely stereotypical libra girl so that’s very fun.

If any of you readers are libras too please comment which ones are also true for you! (that rhymes? kinda??)

Super indecisive
I think this is like the first trait that really comes to mind when you think of a libra. Although it doesn’t apply to everyone it definitely applies to me 😊 I’m one of the most indecisive people I know. You have no idea how stressful it was for me when I had braces and had to choose a new rubber band colour on the spot…

Overthink a lot
VERY TRUE (for me). I must think about a situation like ten times before it actually happens and over analyse every little thing a person says or does. If you don’t give me an answer I’ll make one up and that’s just how it is.

Never say what they really feel
This is half true and half not, pour moi. Because sometimes I will straight out tell a person about something that is bothering me if the person I am telling is a part of the reason because they can do something about it. But otherwise I wouldn’t tell because telling them wouldn’t really benefit either of us.

Always want things to be balanced and fair 
Actually, most of the libras that I know are peacekeepers who want things to be fair and equal. People get really annoyed about this at times but oh well, haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate

Image result for taylor swift haters gonna hate

Way too nice & people pleasers
Not sure this is for everybody but yeah that’s me. I’m too nice to people so my friends tell me to stop being a people pleaser. Such supportive friends am I right?

Cares too much about what others think 
That’s meheeheeeeeeee. I care way way way too much about what other people think of me which is funn *smiles the fakest and most distressed smile ever that eventually gets kinda creepy* But you know what? I’m trying to care less and that’s all that matters.

Sooooo if there are any other libras out there, let me know if any of these traits are true for you!
And other zodiacs please comment what traits of your sign show for you ❤

Love, Hreem xx

1 Year Blog-iversary!

So today I got a little WordPress notification saying ‘Happy 1 Year Chic Life Thru My Lens!’ and I was like whaaat??

I didn’t even realize that one whole year has passed by since I started this blog! It’s grown so much and has gone through a few different themes and I’ve tried a bunch of different posts (I’ve deleted the worst ones). It feels like ages ago that I started this blog but at the same time it feels like just yesterday I wrote my post ‘Hello World‘.

BTW take a look at me in the picture holding the ‘1’ ballon from my ’13’ balloons from my birthday. And me wearing my Blog Queen sweater!

SO in honor of this special day I’m going to let you read that post and then…yeah. Let’s just see how this goes haha.

Hello World!

Or just as many people that read this I guess…

My name is Hreem, buuuut you can call me… yeah, Hreem will be fine. I’m just your average school-girl who loves food and messsing up at makeup.

I think blogging is going to be soooo exciting, like a diary I can share with the world, but I’ll have fewer details because this isn’t anonymous, as you probably realized by now.

I love taking pictures too, partly the reason why I started this blog. The other reason is that I love writing and reading, they’re pretty much a part of me, though I have a LOT of hobbies. Or maybe they’re less, who knows? But in my case I think the hobbies I have are enough, take a peek and tell me what you think

Yeah, so that’s basically why I started this blog. Wait, lemme do a little storytime. When I started my blog I originally liked to write stories and books and I just made a blog so that I could work on my writing skills and post pictures I take. But then later I started getting followers and comments and realised how much I loved this little blogging world we have and that’s how Chic Life Thru My Lens came to be.

Thank you, thank you thank you all for following me and reading my posts.

Tell me about how you started your blog!

Hreem XO

Clothes Pieces I Want in my Wardrobe

heyyyyy guys!

Btw don’t let the intro fool you,

I’m kinda aargh right now because my school started on Sunday, part of the squad?

But enough of that (I’m sure I’ve said that in every post) let me just talk about what you came here to see; some clothing pieces that I really wish I had. This is I think the first time I’ve ever done a fashion-y post so let’s get to it.

Firstly, I just want a BASIC. DENIM. SKIRT. I can honestly say I’ve only owned one denim skirt to this day. But I always drool over them when I see them around; I’ve got serious issues…

Image result for denim skirt

Also, I want one of that kind of open-knit sweater thingies without the pattern on it for fall and winter. I never bought it because it wouldn’t be available in Dubai since the weather is hothotHOT. Every day I cycle to and from school (fit girl right here) and it’s a very dumb decision because when I’m returning home my bike feels like it’s been inside a microwave and the weather makes me feel like I’m in the microwave along with it. Okay, storytime over.

Mango Open-Knit Sweater - Light/Pastel Grey Xxs-Xs

And finalllllyyyyyyyy….. an overalls dress. I’m sorry I have no idea what these are called but they’re like overalls and instead of shorts it’s a skirt; get what I mean? They’re just super cute and the perfect go-to outfit when you’re too lazy to pick one (join the club 🙋🏼).

Image result for overalls dress

Just adding this in since it kind of matches with the post: honestly my favourite style inspo is Rachel from ‘Friends’ because her outfits look so well put together and casual at the same time. TBH all the three Friends girls have such cute, individual styles from the 90’s and I’m in looove!

Image result for rachel green best outfitsRachel Green / Friends / Fashion / Ross Geller / Monica Geller / Chandler Bing / Joey Tribbiani / Phoebe Buffay / Jennifer AnistonResultado de imagem para monica friends outfitImage result for rachel green tartan skirt

Who/what is your style inspiration?

Hreem XO

London Photo Diary

Hey there!

I am back from London and Prague,

So I am sitting here, trying to deal with this tragic breakup while I reminisce over the BEAUTiful sights.

Which basically means that I’m looking back at all the pictures and the *shopping* (woop woop). If I put all the pictures from London and Prague in this post then I’m afraid you won’t make it ’til the end because you would’ve dozed off. Just to make sure you don’t fall asleep now, I’ll get started; just remember it’s supposed to be a photo diary so there won’t be any writing!

Monday 6th August

Tuesday 7th August

Wednesday 8th August

Thursday 9th August

Saturday 11th August

aaaand thank you everybody!

Are you a fan of pictures? Or not so much…

Hreem XO

Happiness = Ice Cream

It’s no surprise for my Instagram followers that I am in London (yes, again).

But for those who don’t know…


This is the third time I’m visiting but it always has this nice charm because all parts are completely different. We also found a few cute nooks in the street which aren’t very popular but are still really amazing :).

One place we found was Dominique Ansel bakery while we were walking the streets and I was instantly attracted to it once I saw the cute floral decor outside. There was also a sign advertising What-a-Melon so we went in 🍉

The What-a-Melon is a slice of watermelon where some of the inside is chopped out and replaced with a watermelon sorbet and instead of seeds there are chocolate chips. The first bite I was like “uuuuh this isn’t really great….at all” but soon it started to taste like a mixed sorbet of watermelon and strawberry so it was really my kind of flavour! I do recommend this bakery in general but I also think that this Watermelon dessert is a tad bit (UK is rubbing off on me) overrated; still great for the ‘gram tho!

So up there are the pics from the bakery 👆🏼

What are the best/underrated places you know?

10 Things You May Not Know About Me


BTW: I did not buy balloons especially for this post, I took this picture on my brother’s 10th birthday and I finally found a use for it.

I started this blog more than a few months ago so this post has been due for a while. Sorry!

Things like this are all over youtube and WordPress so I’m sure you’ve all seen them. Things like: ’25 facts about me!’ I’ve even seen a post with 100 facts!! But I’m not interesting enough for that many facts so I’ll just do as many as I can 🙂

I Severely Dislike Cinnamon

This might not be like OHMYGOD SHE DOESN’T LIKE CINNAMON, IT’S THE END OF THE WORLD! But most of the people I tell this to are extremely surprised because, well, I guess cinnamon is a popular spice. I remember once it was my hamsters birthday when I was about 6 so my mom and I made cupcakes and later when I tasted it I realised it was cinnamon and I got so mad 😂

 I am a Vegetarian

I think I mentioned this in one of my first few posts but I didn’t really have many readers that time so you wouldn’t know unless you were here from the very start! Comment if you were :)) Basically I don’t eat meat or eggs but I can still have stuff like milk and cheese.

I Have a Food Blog

Last year me and a few of my friends started this recipe blog and then told the teacher it was for school so that we would get extra credit (insert an evil girl smiling). This year we restarted it on WordPress and here it is: <<DIY Kitchen Diaries>>

I’m Learning to Speak French

No comment on this because we don’t really learn things that are helpful in life. That puts you in an awkward situation when you’re the only one in the family who knows the least bit of French and everyone’s staring at you expectantly but you have no idea what the lady is saying…

I’m Obsessed With Notebooks

I think many bloggers and YouTubers can relate to this (or maybe not) but I just love some notebooks and how they’re planned out and their covers or page designs. For that reason, I have about 6 notebooks and I’m wondering what to do with three of them…yikes…

Me is a Neat Freak

Sometimes I feel like a Monica (from Friends) but I’m not as much a freak as she is haha. It’s just really satisfying when everything is organised and when notebooks have all these dividers and an index and stuff.

To This Day I’ve Had 16 Pets

It sounds cool but it really isn’t. All the animals are: 7 fish, 7 turtles, a hamster and a dog. So now you realize it’s not actually that amazing.

I Love Friends

I lurve Friends so much because it’s just the funniest show ever! There’s also an episode for every feeling emotion and celebration. My favourite characters are Monica, Phoebe and Chandler; no offence to the other characters 😉 Tell me your favourite character if you watch it!

Pictures are My Thang

It’s the coolest thing ever (for me) to print pictures and stick them up on the wall because everytime I look at them I remember what happened at the time of the picture which I love ♥️

One Day I’d Like to Visit All the Countries in Europe

I’m sure someone else can relate to this because travelling is amazing.

Thank you, everybody, if you have managed to read until the end of the post, and congratulations.

Share a fact about yourself in the comments!

XO Hreem

A Day in My Mind

Rose || Day in my mind

Now THAT’s a sentence (or title) I never thought I’d write.

But that is what this blog post about! My thought process on an average school day.

I thought it would be fun to do a post with questions and thoughts I think of on a daily basis. I got inspiration for this from <<Emily Clare Beauty >>who did ‘Inside The Mind Of A Blogger’, and I really liked that post but didn’t want to do the exact same thing soo… here we are!

“Wait no, it can’t be time to wake up. Oh thank god, it’s just three.”

“Did I get everything? I think I forgot something.”

“Oh no, oh no, did the bell go yet? DID THE BELL GO YET?!”

“Great I got the wrong books.”

“Nooooooo it’s Arabic”

“Finally, it’s time to go home!”

“Let’s find food and watch Friends!!!”

“Oops I have homework, let me just finish thaaaat.” *back to bingeing*

“Ugh, I’m hungry again.”

“Have any bloggers written anything new? Ooh, good inspiration.”

“Crap, I need to write another blog post now.”

”Can I sleep now? YEEEEEah; here I come blanket!”

This is literally my life described in *goes back to count* 12 questions and statements. And I think there could be loads of variations on these kinds of blog posts!

Can you relate to any of these? If you write a post like this please comment below because I’d really love to check it out!

XO Hreem